Monday, June 1, 2009

25/5/09---It's a starting...

Something happened in my life that i don't know how to express it...
Fan, maybe i can use the sentence "...beyond description."

I've always thought that i am someone who could reveal my secrets without being afraid to be known by others... Maybe that's what u said, "gao diao"...

25/5/09---It's a starting...
Yea, it's a brand new starting for me...
From this day onwards, i knew that my life was not only God, my family and friends and me....but.... u are there...
I learnt not to say anything first...
I learnt to be mysterious...
But, i've not learnt to not blogging....

Listening to fan's blog song, after reading his blog article....As usual, it's a moment of down...
Thank you! (for u) If it's not on the 25th, we won't know anything....
We won't be anything...
We are just a nobody to each other....
The most common question between us, "R u happy?"
For me, "Yes!" Definitely!
Maybe just for currently, but i will try to prolong this feeling till 60 years later, whereby we still can hand in hand, asking each other tis particular question....
It might be a bit "rou ma"... However, for me, u might just be the one...I cant be sure, but i can try to make it be the truth.... As i know, u will do the same too....

Starting from 25/5/09, we will be counting the days together....
Thank you....

PS* no guessing... THe "u", might not be a human o.O I will reveal the answer when it's the time to do so...



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